May 11, 2023
Sure Foundation Follow-Up (Week 7)
Hello, Contenders of Victory!
Congratulations on completing the Sure Foundation Module!
With all that you learned in the Sure Foundation Module, you have a lot to meditate on. I'm reminded of the question, "How do you eat an elephant?" One bite at a time. What is the ONE THING that you will focus on to develop roots in it and let it become a part of your foundation?
1. Revisit the video from our Building Our Foundation Module:
A Time to Cast Stones Away and a Time to Gather Stones Together. Click the link to access the video.
2. Let God talk to you about you.
3. Take notes and record them in your journal. (Capture not only what Brother Andrew says, but, more importantly, what you hear God saying to YOU.)
4. Complete your Sure Foundation Form at the following link: Sure Foundation Follow-Up. Be sure to record your answers in your journals because you will not be able to retrieve your forms once you submit them.
Your Sure Foundation Form is due on Wednesday, May 17th by 4pm EAT / 8am CST. Keep in mind - you cannot do the assignment effectively if you wait until the day of to do it. You will need to give attention to it during the week.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Achieving victory in everyday life and influencing others to do the same,
Prophetess Free
May 4, 2023
Sure Foundation - Week 6/Lesson 8
Hello, Contenders of Victory!
Welcome to Week 6, the final week of our Sure Foundation Module! Thank God for the Seed of His Word and for the confidence He is developing in us where His Word is concerned!
I look forward to hearing how God is ministering to you through this teaching.
1. Watch the next video: Lesson 8 - Lordship of Jesus. Click the link to access the video.
2. Let God talk to you about you.
3. Take notes and record them in your journal. (Capture not only what Brother Andrew says, but, more importantly, what you hear God saying to YOU.)
4. Complete your Sure Foundation Form at the following link: Lesson 8. Be sure to record your answers in your journals because you will not be able to retrieve your forms once you submit them.
Your Sure Foundation Form is due on Wednesday, May 10th by 4pm EAT / 8am CST. Keep in mind - you cannot do the assignment effectively if you wait until the day of to do it. You will need to give attention to it during the week.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Achieving victory in everyday life and influencing others to do the same,
Prophetess Free
April 27, 2023
Sure Foundation - Week 5/Lesson 7
Hello, Contenders of Victory!
Welcome to Week 5 of our Sure Foundation Module! Thank God for the Seed of His Word!
I look forward to hearing how God is ministering to you through this teaching.
1. Watch the next video: Lesson 7 - Knowing God. Click the link to access the video.
2. Let God talk to you about you.
3. Take notes and record them in your journal. (Capture not only what Brother Andrew says, but, more importantly, what you hear God saying to YOU.)
4. Complete your Sure Foundation Form at the following link: Lesson 7. Be sure to record your answers in your journals because you will not be able to retrieve your forms once you submit them.
Your Sure Foundation Form is due on Wednesday, May 3rd by 4pm EAT / 8am CST. Keep in mind - you cannot do the assignment effectively if you wait until the day of to do it. You will need to give attention to it during the week.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Achieving victory in everyday life and influencing others to do the same,
Prophetess Free
April 20, 2023
Sure Foundation - Week 4
Hello, Contenders of Victory!
Welcome to Week 4 of our Sure Foundation Module! Thank God for the Seed of His Word!
I look forward to hearing how God is ministering to you through this teaching.
1. Watch the next video: Lesson 6 - Adam and Eve were Discontent. Click the link to access the video.
2. Let God talk to you about you.
3. Take notes and record them in your journal. (Capture not only what Brother Andrew says, but, more importantly, what you hear God saying to YOU.)
4. Complete your Sure Foundation Forms at the following link: Lesson 6. Be sure to record your answers in your journals because you will not be able to retrieve your forms once you submit them.
Your Sure Foundation Form is due on Wednesday, April 26th by 4pm EAT / 8am CST. Keep in mind - you cannot do the assignment effectively if you wait until the day of to do it. You will need to give attention to it during the week.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Achieving victory in everyday life and influencing others to do the same,
Prophetess Free
April 13, 2023
Sure Foundation - Week 3
Hello, Contenders of Victory!
Welcome to Week 3 of our Sure Foundation Module! Thank God for the Seed of His Word!
I look forward to hear how God is ministering to you through this teaching.
1. Watch the next video: Lesson 5 - Definition and Explanation of Philosophy. Click the link to access the video.
2. Let God talk to you about you.
3. Take notes and record them in your journal. (Capture not only what Brother Andrew says, but, more importantly, what you hear God saying to YOU.)
4. Complete your Sure Foundation Forms at the following link: Lesson 5 . Be sure to record your answers in your journals because you will not be able to retrieve your forms once you submit them.
Your Sure Foundation Form is due on Wednesday, April 19th by 4pm EAT / 8am CST. Keep in mind - you cannot do the assignment effectively if you wait until the day of to do it. You will need to give attention to it during the week.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Achieving victory in everyday life and influencing others to do the same,
Prophetess Free
April 6, 2023
Sure Foundation - Week 2
Hello, Contenders of Victory!
Welcome to Week 2 of our Sure Foundation Module! Thank God for the Seed of His Word!
I look forward to hear how God is ministering to you through this teaching.
1. Watch the next two videos: Lesson 3 - Parable of the Sower, Part 2, and Lesson 4 - John the Baptist's Unbelief. Click the links to access the videos.
2. Let God talk to you about you.
3. Take notes and record them in your journal. (Capture not only what Brother Andrew says, but, more importantly, what you hear God saying to YOU.)
4. Complete your Sure Foundation Forms at the following links: Lesson 3, Lesson 4 . Be sure to record your answers in your journals because you will not be able to retrieve your forms once you submit them.
Your Sure Foundation Form is due on Wednesday, April 12th by 4pm EAT / 8am CST. Keep in mind - you cannot do the assignment effectively if you wait until the day of to do it. You will need to give attention to it during the week.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Achieving victory in everyday life and influencing others to do the same,
Prophetess Free
March 30, 2023
Sure Foundation - Week 1
Hello, Contenders of Victory!
I give God glory for His open doors and for giving us just what we need!
My Bible teacher, Andrew Wommack, is offering a free course from his Bible school, Charis Bible College. I attended the first year of Charis and my life forever changed. I still don't have the English words for it, but I believe you are experiencing a degree of what I experienced through your attendance at Discipleship Way. It is there that God put the overwhelming desire in my heart to impart to others what God imparted to me through the clear, no-nonsense teaching delivered by Brother Andrew. Hence, Discipleship Way was born!
It is such a blessing that Brother Andrew is sowing this 8-week course into us. We have access to it until May 14th, 2023. Because May 14th is less than 8 weeks away, we will double up on the videos for the first two weeks - watching 2 videos each week.
Be blessed and enjoy! I am excited about the work that God will do in you, for you, and through you. :-)
Make sure you have signed up for the course at . If you have signed up for the course, you may access the videos by clicking the links below.
1. Watch the first two videos: (1) Parable of the Blade, Ear, and Corn, (2) Parable of the Sower, Part 1. Click the links to access the videos.
2. Let God talk to you about you.
3. Take notes and record them in your journal. (Capture not only what Brother Andrew says, but, more importantly, what you hear God saying to YOU.)
4. Complete your Sure Foundation Forms at the following links: Video 1, Video 2 . Be sure to record your answers in your journals because you will not be able to retrieve your forms once you submit them.
Your Sure Foundation Form is due on Wednesday, April 5th by 4pm EAT / 8am CST. Keep in mind - you cannot do the assignment effectively if you wait until the day of to do it. You will need to give attention to it during the week.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Achieving victory in everyday life and influencing others to do the same,
Prophetess Free